Hamby Bucket Washer Super Cleaning Package - 6 pics

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Bucket Milker Washer Instructions:


Your milking machine must be kept clean and sanitary in order to have healthy milk that will keep without spoiling. Cleaning should be done immediately after milking. Do not let the milking machine sit dirty as the milk residues may dry on and then it will be much harder to clean.


Step 1 Warm rinse with 2 gallon warm water. Attach milker units to washer. Fill small sink with 2 gallon of 100 F degree water. Turn on vaccum supply for 2 cycles of rinsing. Drain sink. Discard this water. Milk rinses best at about the temperature it came from the cow or goat ~100 degrees.


Step 2 Hot detergent wash. Fill small sink with 2 or 3 gallon hot water (140 to 160 degrees) Add 1/4 cup of powder dairy detergent. Turn on vacuum supply. Operate for 3 to 5 minutes. Do not let this wash solution drop below 120 degrees. Do NOT run the washer an excessive long time or the wash solution will drop below 120 degees and it will not clean properly. Drain thoroughly. Catch this DuoPfan wash solution for brush washing lid and bucket


Step 3 Warm Acid rinse. Fill small sink with 2 gallon warm water. Add 1 oz. of Citrophos. Turn on vacuum supply. Run for 1 to 2 minutes.


Step 4 Brush wash the bucket and lid in the large sink. You can use the Duopfan solution from step 2 above. DuoPfan is a very low foaming detergent. If you prefer a sudsy wash, use Pfanzite. Remove the lid gasket and brush wash the bottom of the lid. Rinse with clear water. Hang lid to drip dry. Store bucket upside down on a sanitary rack or hang from a rustproof hanger. Allow all items to drip dry with no water standing.


Rinse all brushes and hang to drip dry. For the longest life of your cleaning brushes, always rinse and hang them to dry after each use. Do not leave brushes 'soaking' in wash solutions.


Brushes are recommended for cleaning milking equipment. Hamby Dairy Supply brushes are specifically designed to clean stainless steel, glass and milking machine plastics with out scratching. With proper care, they will last a long time.


Cloths & sponges are not recommended. They will not completely clean and they harbor bacteria.

Acid rinsing is optional but recommended for barns with hard water. Acid rinsing is for removing milkstone. Milkstone is made primarily of calcium residues from the milk and from the hard water. Milkstone likes to stick to stainless steel and glass. Other milk residues, such as protein and fat like to stick to milkstone. This will result in a buildup that will leave your shiny stainless steel looking dull. That buildup can contaminate your milk effecting flavor and quality. It also provides a good medium for bad bacteria to grow on.

If your milking machine gets a dull look, then prepare a solution of 1 gallon hot water along with 1 ounce Citrophos. Brush wash the dull components with this solution.


Step 4 Sanitize prior to milking. Citrophos Acid Sanitizer is a registered sanitizer with a germicide effectiveness of several hours. However, if you are consuming or selling raw milk, I recommend a cold sanitize with a Citrophos solution or a chlorine solution 15 minutes prior to milking. See sanitizer label for instructions.


Warning: Do not mix wash solutions from second and third step